Welcome and Introduction
These Policy and Procedures are intended for use by all practitioners, volunteers, services and partner agencies in the City of York.
The procedures are divided into the following sections:
- Safeguarding Adults Core procedures;
- Safeguarding Adults practice guidance;
- Learning and Improvement.
There are also a range of supporting procedures, such as Deprivation of Liberty, Risk Assessment and Joint Working that can be accessed from the City of York Council Procedures, Practice Guidance and Tools for Adult Social Care website.
Contacts and Practice Resources
The Contacts and Practice Resources section contains all of the local processes, documents and internet/intranet links to support effective implementation of the procedures in the City of York. It also houses a range of national practice guidance for good safeguarding practice.
Register for Updates
Register for Updates now. This will ensure that you receive automatic notification as soon as any changes are made to the procedures in this site.
Provide feedback
To report any issues or suggest improvements to the procedures or, Contacts and Practice Resources, please email Catherine.law@york.gov.uk.
Find out about the latest amendments to this site here: Amendments
Children's Safeguarding Procedures
Anyone working across both children's and adult services can use this link to access the Children's Safeguarding Procedures.
Last Updated: March 13, 2025